- Slot Machine Java Code While/for Loops Download
- Slot Machine Java Code While/for Loops Java
- Slot Machine Java Code While/for Loops Download
- Slot Machine Java Code While/for Loops C++
Need of Loops in Java. Imagine a program which is required to output a particular value of a variable 800 times. Now we all know that the code for writing output is System.out.println('Text'); But in order to print this 800 times we will need to write the same line 800 times in the code. This is done by firstly creating a file called Slots.java that will contain only the code for the UI. Then, creating an ActionListener that will listen to different button clicks (there are 5 different buttons). Finally, creating a class called App.java that will only create a Slots instance and make it run. Basically, the App.java would look. Code Help and Videos Java For and While Loops. This handout introduces the basic structure and use of Java for and while loops with example code an exercises. See also the associated CodingBat java loop practice problems using strings and arrays. Written by Nick Parlante. Java Loop With loops, you get to leverage the power in the computer.
The following java for-loop exercises have been collected from various internet sources such as programmr.com and codewars. Go to my tutoring page if you need more help and would like to talk to a tutor.
User input does not work with the embedded compiler (paiza) below. That is why you see the problems being worded and setup slightly differently than on the rest of the page.
Casinos are a shady business, but I'm even more suspicious of a slot machine that offers me a random prize without displaying the result of the spin. Infrastructure I don't recommend developing a habit of relying on non-standard libraries that don't do very much. In main, the while (b!= 0) loop would best be written as a do-while loop, since you want to run the game at least once without asking. B is a poor variable name; playAgain would be much more helpful. The main lesson that I think you should learn from this exercise is object-oriented thinking.
Happy Coding!
Exercise 1:
Determine and print the number of times the character ‘a' appears in the input entered by the user.
Exercise 2:
Write a program that will print a box of #'s taking from user the height and width values.
Slot Machine Java Code While/for Loops Download
Exercise 3
Write a program to find the sum of 5 integers.
Exercise 4
Write a java program to calculate the factorial value of given number. Factorial x –> x * x-1 * x-2…x*1
Example: factorial 4 = 4 * 3 * 2 * 1 = 24
Exercise 5
Suppose we have a database composed of two fields or columns (arrays), the first field is for the username (user[]) and the other one is for the password(pass[]) .
This is how it looks like:
user[0] = 'Hassan' ;
user[1] ='Idris';
user[2]='Trevor' ;
And their passwords correspond with their indexes.
pass[0] = 'homecomingking';
pass[1] = 'turnupcharlie';
pass[2] = 'afraidofthedark';
Then if one of them had successfully login, the output should be:
Enter username: Hassan
Enter password: homecomingking
Hello Hassan!
But if not, 'Incorrect Login!'
You can ignore case for the username but not for the password.
Exercise 6
You have to design the code such that the user has only three tries to guess the correct pin of the account. You set the pin as a constant with a final attribute. When correct display 'Correct, welcome back.' When incorrect display 'Incorrect, try again.'. When ran out of tries display 'Sorry but you have been locked out.'
Exercise 7
Write a program that prompts user for a word and prints 'Yes' if it is a palindrome and 'No' if it is not.
Exercise 8 (Advanced)
This is a code wars kata. click here to train on 'Abbreviate a Two Word Name' on code wars.
Write a function to convert a name into initials. You can assume the program takes in two words with one space in between them.
The output should be two capital letters with a dot separating them.
It should look like this:
Exercise 9
This is a code wars kata. click here to train on 'Grasshopper – Summation' on code wars.
Write a program that finds the summation of every number from 1 to num. The number will always be a positive integer greater than 0.
Exercise 10
This is a code wars kata. click here to train on 'Sentence Smash' on code wars.
Write a method smash
that takes an array of words and smashes them together into a sentence and returns the sentence. You can ignore any need to sanitize words or add punctuation, but you should add spaces between each word. Be careful, there shouldn't be a space at the beginning or the end of the sentence!
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- Java Object Oriented
- Java Advanced
Slot Machine Java Code While/for Loops Java
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Slot Machine Java Code While/for Loops Java
- Java Useful Resources
Slot Machine Java Code While/for Loops Download
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A for loop is a repetition control structure that allows you to efficiently write a loop that needs to be executed a specific number of times.
A for loop is useful when you know how many times a task is to be repeated.
The syntax of a for loop is −
Here is the flow of control in a for loop −
The initialization step is executed first, and only once. This step allows you to declare and initialize any loop control variables and this step ends with a semi colon (;).
Next, the Boolean expression is evaluated. If it is true, the body of the loop is executed. If it is false, the body of the loop will not be executed and control jumps to the next statement past the for loop.
After the body of the for loop gets executed, the control jumps back up to the update statement. This statement allows you to update any loop control variables. This statement can be left blank with a semicolon at the end.
The Boolean expression is now evaluated again. If it is true, the loop executes and the process repeats (body of loop, then update step, then Boolean expression). After the Boolean expression is false, the for loop terminates.
Flow Diagram
Following is an example code of the for loop in Java.
This will produce the following result −